Looking for an Alternative to Seismic?

When you switch to SoloFire you empower your sales and marketing teams with the tools necessary to win more deals, at a fraction of the cost.

Sales enablement for sales reps
SoloFire has a faster, easier deployment than Seismic

Faster, Easier Deployment

The sales enablement solution you invest in needs to be easy to use and incorporate into your company’s sales process. With Seismic the learning curve is very high and the on-boarding process can take months. Companies that use SoloFire can deploy the platform in less than a week. SoloFire is built to make your life easier, not harder.
sales enablement tools for medical device sales

Powerful User Experience for Sales and Marketing

SoloFire takes your users through an intuitive experience, whether they are an app user or an admin on the back end. The app has a proactive dashboard to help your sales reps know their next move. On the back end, the dashboard is just as powerful. Within a couple of clicks, your admins can manage content and reps, hassle-free. Let’s not forget the user-generated metrics both sides get along the way.
sales enablement tools for medical device sales
SoloFire is $50 per user, per month

No Secrets Here

We know secrets don’t make friends so we tell you what it costs to have your teams powered by SoloFire. $50 per user, per month. What does Seismic charge?

SoloFire sales enablement solution fits your needs

The Solution That Fits Your Company, Not the Other Way Around

Not every company has an immediate need (or the resources) for a robust enterprise solution. SoloFire empowers your sales and marketing teams, no matter what stage you’re at. As your company grows, and your needs and wants change, you can continue to build on top of SoloFire to create your custom sales enablement solution.
SoloFire sales enablement solution fits your needs

More Features when you are Empowered by SoloFire

SoloFire searching made easy

SEARching made easy

SoloFire share via email and text

share via email and text

SoloFire sales enablement platform agnostic

platform agnostic

Companies Around the World Trust SoloFire

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